BarConic Liberty Highball Glass - 8.5oz - CASE OF 72

BarConic Liberty Highball Glass - 8.5oz - CASE OF 72


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  • Regular price $65.52 Sale price $54.00
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Enjoy the style and design of this unique 8.5 ounce Liberty™ glass. Ideal for highball cocktails. Featuring a slight expanding flair from base to rim, this glass brings class to any venue. Take advantage of the low pricing when shopping in Bulk. Available by the case of 72 pieces and dishwasher friendly. 
*This glass measures 8.5 oz / 251 ml when filled to the RIM. 

Glass Dimensions:
Height: 4.85 inches
Top Diameter: 2.75 inches
Bottom Diameter: 2 inches 

Like this style of glass? See more from our BarConic® Liberty™ Family.

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