BarConic Alpine Highball Glass 9 oz - CASE OF 12

BarConic Alpine Highball Glass 9 oz - CASE OF 12


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A true "classic" when it comes to bar drinkware. This Alpine™ family, 9 ounce Highball Glass is basically identical in style and design to the popular Libbey 15236 Gibraltar glass but at half the cost. Perfectly blend and stack the BarConic® glass with the Libbey® glass for a flawless cost solution. Molded from a very thick and durable material, this bar glass will hold up strong throughout many bar shifts. It is built to withstand the basic abuse that many other bar glasses would tend to break after. This is a favorite among many to serve that perfectly portioned highball cocktail such as screwdrivers, bay breezes or your classic rum and cokes. Sold by the case of 12.
*This glass measures 8.38oz / 248ml when filled to the RIM.

Glass Dimensions:
Height: 4.5 inches
Top Rim Diameter: 2.875 inches
Base Diameter: 2.5 inches

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