BarConic Monument Highball Glass 11 oz - CASE OF 24

BarConic Monument Highball Glass 11 oz - CASE OF 24


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  • Regular price $88.14 Sale price $38.68
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This quality, classic Monument™ Family Highball glass features the form of a Collins Glass with its cylindrical, smooth sides and narrow opening. It's perfect for general bar use, for classic highballs, sodas, and specialty drinks alike. It holds 11 ounces and is dishwasher safe. It comes in a case count of 24 and priced to meet any bar or restaurant budget.
*This glass measures 10.48oz / 310ml when filled to the RIM

Glass Dimensions:
Height: 6.0 inches
Top Diameter: 2.50 inches
Bottom Diameter: 2.50 inches 

Like this style of glass? See more from our BarConic® Monument™ Family.

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