BarConic Alpine Highball Glass 10 oz - CASE OF 48

BarConic Alpine Highball Glass 10 oz - CASE OF 48


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A highball (a.k.a. High Ball or hi-ball) glass is a favorite for mixed drinks, beers, and every day usage for bars, restaurants and nightclubs. Our 48 count case of BarConic® 10 oz Highballs feature the rigged Alpine™ design (similar to Libbey's Gibraltar line)Durable, The high quality, clear glass construction is dishwasher safe for high volume cleaning, and designed to be conveniently stacked on top of one another for storage. Economically priced for an amazing quality glass.
*This glass measures 11.12oz / 329ml when filled to the RIM.

Glass Dimensions:
Height: 4.75 inches
Top Diameter: 2.875 inches
Bottom Diameter: 2.25 inches

Like this style of glass? See more from our BarConic® Alpine™ Family.

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