BarConic  Executive Highball Glass 8 oz - CASE OF 36

BarConic Executive Highball Glass 8 oz - CASE OF 36


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  • Regular price $215.28 Sale price $49.95
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A touch of class in every glass. The BarConic® Executive™ Highball 8 ounce Glass (also called a Hi-Ball or High Ball Glass) would be just as at home in a cigar bar or lounge as it would a nightclub or street corner bar. The geometric base style feels high and looks luxurious as the angle fades up through the glass. It is dishwasher safe and made thick to stand up to substantial use. Each case of 36 is bargain priced to offer everyday luxury without the expense you've come to expect from other brands.
*This glass measures 9.64oz / 285ml when filled to the RIM.

Glass Dimensions
Height: 5 inches
Top Diameter: 2.75 inches
Bottom Diameter: 2 inches 

Like this style of glass? See more from our BarConic® Executive™ Family.

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