Tube SHOTZ® - 6" Crystal Cut Polystyrene Test Tube Shooters - CASE OF 1000


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  • Regular price $140.00 Sale price $73.00
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The product that started the shot test tube revolution. Putting the science in mixology, our 6-inch multi-colored test tubes make a great addition to your shooter vessels. Made of high impact plastic, each 6-inch tube holds a full shot of liquor or mixer. Your shot girls can carry dozens of these at once with one of the shot holders. Tubes available in blue, clear, orange, pink, and yellow. Case of 1000 tubes is bargain priced so your customers can keep the tubes if they choose. 

WARNING Many food and beverage cans have linings containing bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical known to the State of California to cause harm to the female reproductive system. Jar lids and bottle caps may also contain BPA. This drinking vessel may have BPA. You can be exposed to BPA when you consume foods or beverages packaged or served in these containers. For more information, go to:

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