BarConic 20oz Mason Jar Mug - CASE OF 12

BarConic 20oz Mason Jar Mug - CASE OF 12


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  • Regular price $44.76 Sale price $27.84
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BarConic® 20 ounce mason jars bring a taste of the country to your next beverage service. Whether serving great southern barbecue with sweet tea, mixed drinks or anything that the unusual and antique are appreciated, our 20 ounce mason jar will be a big hit. It features an ornamental threaded edge and has been popular as a promotional item in bars and gift shops alike.
*This glass measures 
21.34oz / 631ml when filled to the RIM.

Case: 12

Height: 5.75 inches
Top Diameter: 2.5 inches
Bottom Diameter: 3.25 inches
Case Weight: 14.8lbs
Case Dimensions: 38.7cm x 29.44cm" x 16.5cm"

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