Barconic Assorted Plastic Shot Glass with Hook - CASE OF 48 / 24 PACKS


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  • Regular price $95.52 Sale price $86.84
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Each order contains 48 sleeves of 24 (1,152 total). 

Introducing the perfect upselling item to get customers those extra shots with their order. These BarConic® 2oz Assorted Plastic Neon Shot Glasses feature a hanging hook that easily lets you provide an "add on shot" to margaritas, beer, frozen drinks, etc. They are washable/reusable but are priced to be disposable as well. Hanging shots are ideal for bars of all types, from beach bars to dive bars to nightclubs. They come in assorted sleeve neon colors that glow vividly under a black light environment.

Each order contains 48 sleeves of 24 (1,152 total). 

Features a 1.25oz fill line and measures 2.25oz to the rim.

Cup Dimensions:
Height: 2.25 inches
Top Diameter: 2 inches
Bottom Diameter: 1.375 inches

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