BarConic Pilsner Beer Glass 21 oz - CASE OF 24

BarConic Pilsner Beer Glass 21 oz - CASE OF 24


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  • Regular price $84.00 Sale price $59.76
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  • Save $24.24
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This tall 21 oz BarConic® Pilsner Glass is ideal for serving beer in larger servings. The thick glass, featuring the iconic draft pilsner shape and solid base, is suited for a wide variety of beers, and can find a home in any bar, pub, nightclub, restaurant, or service setting. The curvature and shape of this Pilsner Glass are meant to enhance the flavor of your beer. Available in a cases of 24.
*This glass measures 21 oz / 261 ml when filled to the RIM.

Glass Dimensions:
Height: 9.50 inches
Top Diameter: 3.00 inches
Base Diameter: 2.75 inches

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