BarConic Classic Cocktail Glass - 8 oz - CASE OF 48

BarConic Classic Cocktail Glass - 8 oz - CASE OF 48


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  • Regular price $168.00 Sale price $79.68
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  • Save $88.32
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The Classic Cocktail Glass is a signature glassware piece in any bar, restaurant or home. It boasts the classy way to serve up your martinis and other craft cocktails. This BarConic® brand will certainly not disappoint! Showcasing a smooth glass surface with ultimate clarity and definitive lines, this glassware piece is perfect to add to any cocktail service lineup.  If you are someone who enjoys the elegant presentation of your signature cocktails, then this classic 8 ounce cocktail glass from BarConic® is a great alternative to the higher costing brand names of equal quality. 

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