BarConic 2oz Thick Assorted Plastic Shot Cups - CASE OF 48 / 12 Packs


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  • Regular price $143.52 Sale price $72.47
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These economic Neon Plastic Shot Cups save you from the hassle of breakable glassware, are reusable, but priced to be disposable! The bright assorted colors glow in black light environments. Constructed of durable, washable and reusable thick plastic, they are ideal for any type of shot, bomb shot, or small shooter. Each cup features three fill lines at 0.5 oz., 1 oz., and 1.5 oz. for easy measuring. They come in four different colors and are great for home parties, nightclubs, bars, and more. They come in Cases of 48 Sleeves, 12 per Sleeve (576 total).
This glass features 3 measure lines, .5oz, 1oz, and 1.5oz, and is approx. 2oz when filled to the rim. 

Cup Dimensions:
Height: 2.5 inches
Top Diameter: 2 inches
Bottom Diameter: 1.375 inches

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