BarConic Tall Wine Glass - 7 oz - CASE OF 12

BarConic Tall Wine Glass - 7 oz - CASE OF 12


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  • Regular price $39.72 Sale price $23.88
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The BarConic® 7 ounce Tall Wine Glass is perfect for white or red wines due to its exquisite and versatile design. The glass is sturdy and thick for durability and will go well in any bar or restaurant atmosphere. The tall bowl allows the wine room to breathe and the petite 7oz size gives customers a chance to taste any enjoy the many different types of wine you may have to offer. Case of 12 glasses

This glass measures approx. 7.1oz when filled to the rim.

Tall bowl allows wine to breath
Used for white or red wines
Thick sturdy glass
7 ounces

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