BarConic Stemless Wine Glass - 12 oz - CASE OF 12

BarConic Stemless Wine Glass - 12 oz - CASE OF 12


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  • Regular price $35.88 Sale price $13.45
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  • Save $22.43
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Count on us to supply you with the latest trending products within the wine circuit! Stemless wine glasses is where it's at and wine lovers are all about them! Serve up your favorite reds, whites and blushes in these perfectly sized, 12 ounce stemless wine glasses. Constructed from a durable, high quality glass material, these glasses are backed by the BarConic® brand and will be a great addition to any bar, restaurant or home where wine is commonly served. Sold in packs of 12.

Measures: 4" tall x 2.375" rim diameter x 2" base diameter
Capacity: 12 ounces
Trending wine glassware style
Perfect for bars, restaurant or home use
Constructed from a high quality, clear glass material

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