BarConic Texan Shooter Glass 4 oz - CASE OF 36

BarConic Texan Shooter Glass 4 oz - CASE OF 36


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  • Regular price $75.40 Sale price $40.50
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This small Rocks Glass is made for elegance and convenience, yet with completely economic pricing. These shot glasses are designed to stack with the lower decorative section fitting neatly into the top diameter of the next glass. At 4oz, this Rocks glass is ideal for both "neat" and "rocks" servings of single liquors, esp. whiskeys and scotches. They measure 2.9" tall with a top diameter of 2.8". Comes 72 to a case and are dishwasher safe.
*This glass measures approx. 5.5 oz. / 162 ml. when filled to the RIM. 

Glass Dimensions:
Height: 2.9 inches
Top Diameter: 2.80 inches
Base Diameter: 2.20 inches 

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