BarConic Mini Mason Jar Shot Glass - 2 oz - CASE OF 72

BarConic Mini Mason Jar Shot Glass - 2 oz - CASE OF 72


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  • Regular price $233.82 Sale price $56.28
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  • Save $177.54
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Mason jars are all the rage right now, and these BarConic® 2 oz mini mason jar shot glasses are sure to be a hit with your guests. These mason jar shots are made of clear glass and hold up to 2.16 oz (64 ml) of your favorite drink. Great for home or professional use, these trendy mason jar shot glasses are great for serving large shots or old fashioned cocktails that will get everyone in the mood to party. Also great to use for craft beer sampling!!

This glass measures approx. 2.16 oz. (64 ml.) when filled to the rim.

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