BarConic Shot Glass Cobalt Blue Frost 1.5 oz - CASE OF 72

BarConic Shot Glass Cobalt Blue Frost 1.5 oz - CASE OF 72


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  • Regular price $94.32 Sale price $61.53
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BarConic presents a cobalt blue shot glass that sets itself apart from the crowd. The blue frost of these glasses is built into the glass itself, not a covered surface stain or wrapper. Each glass in the 144 count case is dishwasher safe. The dark blue screams lounge party with a classy touch that your guests will remember. It holds 1.5 ounces of liquid and is a welcomed change from using traditional and common clear shot glasses for dessert shots. Have a blue-themed bar? A water-front hangout? A bar or restaurant that serves exclusive and high end drinks? These dark blue frosted shots will stand out in a crowd.
*This glass measures 1.96oz / 58ml when filled to the RIM.



Glass Dimensions:

Height: 2.25 inches

Top Diameter: 1.75 inches

Base Diameter: 1.25


This Shot Glass is also referred to as a Whiskey Shot Glass. Its slanted, sleek style gives it a classy look.


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