BarConic Shooter Glass Tall Light Blue 2 Oz - CASE OF 72

BarConic Shooter Glass Tall Light Blue 2 Oz - CASE OF 72


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For the shooter enthusiast, we offer the  BarConic® Tall, Light Blue, 2 Ounce Shooter Glass (also known as a tequila shooter, cordial, or bud glass). Made of the same high quality glass used throughout the BarConic® line, these tall shot/shooter glasses are dishwasher safe and hold up to the abuses of daily bar use. Great for both straight and simple mixed shots. The blue base adds a touch of style to any drink. Case of 72 tall shot glasses will keep the party going even when patrons walk off with the glass or break them. Perfect for beach bars, theme bars where blue is a prominent color or anywhere that a well made but inexpensive tall shooter glass is needed.
*This glass measures 2.10oz / 62ml when filled to the RIM.


Glass Dimensions:

Height: 4 inches
Top Diameter: 1.5 inches
Bottom Diameter: 1.25 inches

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