BarConic Shooter Glass 3oz - CASE OF 72

BarConic Shooter Glass 3oz - CASE OF 72


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  • Regular price $71.28 Sale price $26.37
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  • Save $44.91
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Looking for the perfectly sized glass to serve your commonly requested shooters in? Look no further! This 3 ounce BarConic® Shooter Glass will allow for the perfectly proportioned liqueur and mixer. A great way to control your inventory while offering your customers a tasty treat. Economically priced to offer you a great solution to your glassware needs. These shot glasses are perfect.

*This glass measures approx. 3.55 oz. / 105 ml. when filled to the RIM.

Glass Dimensions:
Height: 2.75 inches
Top Rim Diameter: 2 inches
Base Diameter: 2 inches

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