BarConic Mason Jar with Handle - 4.5 oz - CASE OF 48

BarConic Mason Jar with Handle - 4.5 oz - CASE OF 48


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  • Regular price $49.56 Sale price $38.95
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Our BarConic® 4.5 oz Mason Jar Glass with Handle will make great glass for small cocktails and large shots. If looking for glassware that is different than the rest and want your drinks to stand out, then these mason jars are exactly what you need. Let your cocktails shine with this small, but elegant drinking vessel.

This glass measures approx. 4.56 oz when filled to the rim.

Capacity: 4.5 ounces
Height: 3.125 inches
Top Diameter: 1.875 inches
Base Diameter: 2.125 inches
Cocktail mason jars lids are available (sold separately)

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