BarConic 1.75oz Pink Wave Shot Glass - CASE OF 72

BarConic 1.75oz Pink Wave Shot Glass - CASE OF 72


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  • Regular price $71.28 Sale price $33.60
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A fun pink version of our wave shot glass style, this BarConic® 1.75 ounce shot glass is a hit at bachelorette parties, bars and restaurants with pink themes and any other specialty party where the mood calls for a splash of pink. Comes in a case of 144 shot glasses.
*This glass measures 1.85oz / 55ml when filled to the RIM.
Glass Dimensions:
Height: 2.25 inches
Top Diameter: 1.75 inches
Bottom Diameter: 1.25 inches
Wave design is reflective from the inside of the glass, giving the outside a smooth feel.

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