BarConic Whiskey Glass - 10 oz - CASE OF 24

BarConic Whiskey Glass - 10 oz - CASE OF 24


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  • Regular price $69.12 Sale price $42.00
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  • Save $27.12
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The BarConic® 10oz Whiskey Glass with modern flared sides is sure to please your thirsty patrons!  Its quality construction is immediately evident in the weighted base. This glass is ideal for many types of beverages and cocktails. It can be used for whiskey, bourbon, specialty cocktails, and more! This glass is sure to become a staple in your bar, pub, night club, hotel, or restaurant. Sold in cases of 24

Barconic® Glassware is designed with value in mind! Each glass is comparable to an internationally distributed brand's product (such as Libbey® and Anchor Hocking®) in style, volume, and feel, but offered here at a substantially lower price because we are the manufacturer. Our collection represents the most popular styles of glassware used in the bar and restaurant industry. BarConic® Glassware is your Low Cost solution! We offer our glasses by the case and in smaller packages, so that home bar enthusiasts can enjoy the benefits of affordable drinkware too. 

  • Modern, sturdy design with nice thick base
  • Flared sides with rounded shape for comfortable drinking
  • Ideal for serving whiskeys, bourbons, and specialty cocktails
  • Perfect for night clubs, pubs, bars, lounges, restaurants, home, and more
  • Capacity: 10 ounces
  • Height: 3.5 inches
  • Top Diameter: 2.55 inches
  • Base Diameter: 2 inches
  • Sold as Case of 24

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