BarConic Texan Rocks Glass 8 oz - CASE OF 36

BarConic Texan Rocks Glass 8 oz - CASE OF 36


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This 8oz BarConic® Texan™ Rocks Glass is priced with bar owners in mind, but built for quality, elegance and convenience of use. The lower faceted (base) section of this glass fits neatly into the top diameter of the glass below for a stacking "space-saver" solution. Perfect for "on the rocks" drinks, the 8oz size is ideal for small servings of liquors and cocktails. Dishwasher safe and comes 72 to a case.
*This glass measures 8.75 oz / 259 ml when filled to the RIM. 

Glass Dimensions
Height: 3.20 inches
Top Diameter: 3.25 inches
Bottom Diameter: 2.70 inches

This style of glass is not only elegant looking, but is constructed from a thick glass quality that is very durable and ideal for any bar or restaurant. 

Like this style of glass? See more from our BarConic® Texan™ Family.

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