BarConic Alpine Old Fashioned Glass 10 oz - CASE OF 36

BarConic Alpine Old Fashioned Glass 10 oz - CASE OF 36


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A squat design combined with the Alpine™ style gives the BarConic® Old Fashioned 10 ounce glass an advantage over its competition. This mid-size glass, with a similar style to others' Gibraltar or New Orleans lines, can also be considered a Highball (Hi-Ball) or even a large Rocks glass. Designed to fit tightly in most any hand, these glasses are ready for lounges, saloons and restaurant bars who demand a high quality glass without the usual expense. Stackable base allows bartenders easy access to stacks of clean glassware keeping the drinks flowing on busy nights. Dishwasher safe and packed in a case of 36 pieces for budget minded consumers who still demand the best. 
*This glass measures 9.75oz / 288ml when filled to the RIM.

Glass Dimensions:
Height: 4 inches
Top Diameter: 3 inches
Bottom Diameter: 2.5 inches

Like this style of glass? See more from our BarConic® Alpine™ Family.

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