BarConic 3oz clear plastic shooter glasses - CASE OF 25 / 100 PACKS

BarConic 3oz clear plastic shooter glasses - CASE OF 25 / 100 PACKS


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  • Regular price $293.00 Sale price $82.62
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  • Save $210.38
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BarConic® 3 oz clear plastic shooter glasses are packed 100 per sleeve, 25 sleeves per case for 2500 total per case. Made of clear plastic and large enough to hold a double shot of liquor, a mixed shot or an assortment of samples, giveaways or similar. Disposable and at a low price point. Wide lip design and reinforced lip provide a strong vessel in a throw-away form. Great for bars or nightclubs with high traffic nights or events. 

Cup Dimensions:
Height: 2.25 inches
Top Diameter: 2.75 inches
Bottom Diameter: 1.5 inches 

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