BarConic 16oz Clear Plastic Drink Glasses-PP - CASE OF 20 / 50 PACKS

BarConic 16oz Clear Plastic Drink Glasses-PP - CASE OF 20 / 50 PACKS


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  • Regular price $114.01 Sale price $77.68
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Our BarConic® 16 oz PP Drink Glass is polypropylene quality and versatility in a 16 ounce size. The go-to cup for anyone needs disposable drinkware without compromising on build quality or price. Rigged grip lines prevent slip, reinforced lip provides support and firmness to a lightweight vessel. Each sleeve contains 50 cups. Each case contains 20 sleeves. Total count of 1000 cups per case. 

Cup Dimensions:
Height: 5 inches
Top Diameter: 3.5 inches
Bottom Diameter: 2.25 inches

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