Let It Snow Stemless Wine Glass - 17 oz - CASE OF 24

Let It Snow Stemless Wine Glass - 17 oz - CASE OF 24


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  • Regular price $95.76 Sale price $67.99
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Winter is here and it's time to drink some wine! The Let it Snow Stemless Wine Glass is the perfect way to enjoy your favorite spirits this holiday season no matter what side of the wall you are on. The shape of this glass makes it great for wine, signature cocktails, or even craft beers! 

About the glass: BarConic® Stemless Wine glasses hold 17 oz when filled to the rim. They are made of real glass and can be used for serving white or red wines. The image is screen printed on the glass and can be washed. We do recommend hand washing and do not recommend scrubbing with abrasive materials.

*This glass measures 17oz / 412ml when filled to the RIM. 

  • Game of Thrones/ Jon Snow Inspired Design
  • Measures 17 oz. / 412 ml. when filled to the rim
  • Made of glass
  • Stemless style wine glass
  • Screen-printed with black ink
  • Great glass for serving wine, beer, or signature cocktails
  • Makes a great holiday gift
  • Hand wash recommended

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