#DrinkLocal - Mixing / Beer Glass - 15 oz - CASE OF 12

#DrinkLocal - Mixing / Beer Glass - 15 oz - CASE OF 12


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Drink Local has long been one of craft beer’s key directives. This 15 Ounce Beer/ Mixing Glass features the slogan “#DrinkLocal to show support for small, independently owned, hometown breweries. Maximize your guests’ and customers’ beer drinking experience presenting your freshest craft beers in this simplistically designed glass. 

Bars, taverns, breweries tend to use these glasses for serving pints of ale or lager. Restaurants use them for everything from water glasses, soda glasses, or even margaritas. Bartenders can even mix up their favorite cocktails using these well designed glasses while showing their support for their local economy.

*This glass measures 16.43oz / 486ml when filled to the RIM.

Glass Dimensions:
Height: 5.75 inches
Top Diameter: 3 inches
Bottom Diameter: 2.25 inches

  • Capacity: 15 ounces
  • Height: 5.75 inches
  • Top Diameter: 3 inches
  • Height: 4 inches
  • Base Diameter: 2.25 inches

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