Irish Drinking Team Mason Jar Glass - 12 oz - CASE OF 12

Irish Drinking Team Mason Jar Glass - 12 oz - CASE OF 12


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Celebrate St. Patrick's Day by toasting with this 12 ounce "Official Irish Drinking Team" mason jar style mug! Printed in green with sports lettering, this tongue-in-cheek keepsake could be a hit at home or a bar party and makes a great gift for friends and fans of one of the drinkingest days of the year. This product is not intended for hot beverages.

About the glass: The little brother to our 20 ounce Mason Jar the 12 ounce BarConic® Mason Jar is winning over crowds for its charming and capable design. Solid one piece construction with thick walls makes this vessel a pleasure to serve and drink from. Threaded top design is a replica of the Mason Jars of old used on farms and in country restaurants for decades. Each case of 12 mason jars is dishwasher safe and the perfect complement to your down home recipes. Restaurants bars and boutiques have all taken to these glasses and we're sure you will too.

This glass measures approx. 13.97 oz. / 413 ml. when filled to the rim.

  • 12 ounce mason jar with handle
  • Printed in green with sports lettering

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