I am... Black Shot Glass - 1.5 oz - CASE OF 72

I am... Black Shot Glass - 1.5 oz - CASE OF 72


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  • Regular price $215.28 Sale price $101.99
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I am... Having a Shot! This is a party we can certainly back! Fill up this fun shot glass with your "favorite candidate" and get the election season started right. You'll want to grab a few of these shot glasses, because your friends are going to want to show support for their favorite party as well!

About the glass: As the saying goes "Black is the new Black!". Black is as timeless and classy as a color can be, and these 1.75 ounce shot glasses are a fun and elegant affair. Built of the same high quality glass as the rest of the BarConic® line, these glasses are created with blackened glass, not black paint or a black finish. The 72 count case is dishwasher safe and is the perfect complement to your theme parties, black tie affairs, nightclubs or anywhere that sleek is appreciated.

*This glass measures 1.86oz / 55ml when filled to the RIM.

  • Fill up with your favorite "candidate" and enjoy!
  • A fun shot glass to add to your collection
  • Printed on our BarConic® 1.75 ounce Black Shot Glass
  • A must have during any election season
  • Height: 2.25 inches
  • Top diameter: 1.75 inches
  • Material: glass

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