#DrinkLocal - Rocks Glass 5.5 oz

#DrinkLocal - Rocks Glass - 5.5 oz - CASE OF 72


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Drink Local is not just a slogan when you endorse local businesses. Support local bars, restaurants, or shops and indulge in what they have to offer. This 5.5 Ounce Monument Rocks Glass is the perfect size for serving beer samples or small cocktails on the rocks and displaying your support for mom and pop type businesses. They are ideal for bars, pubs, taverns, breweries, and restaurants.

About the glass: This BarConic® Monument™ Rocks Glass 5.5 oz, also known as a Juice, Water, Taster, Delmonico, or Pony Glass, is the ideal for tabletop service in restaurants, catering environments, or anywhere else where serving small amounts of juice or water is expected. Bars use this glass for smaller drinks, and breweries make use of it as "pony" glasses for sampling beer. They measure four inches high and are available in cases of 72.
*This glass measures 5.5oz / 163ml when filled to the RIM 

Glass Dimensions:
Height: 4 inches
Top Diameter: 2.25 inches
Bottom Diameter: 2 inches

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