Wood Beverage Barrel - CASE OF 4

Wood Beverage Barrel - CASE OF 4


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  • Regular price $359.80 Sale price $299.57
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  • Save $60.23
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Perfect for serving beer, punch, sangria or your favorite mixed beverage, these Wood Beverage Barrels are a testament to the old world styling of whiskey barrels. Each of these four barrels sits on their own base, giving enough room to operate the gravity-fed tap at the bottom. 3 metal bands and gold plated tacks decorate the outside of the barrel. Inside is made of insulated stainless steel for long lasting construction that keeps your drinks cold. Sold 4 per case.

With Stand: 18.2 inches Tall
Barrel only: 11 inches Tall
Diameter: 9 inches
Stand only: 9.30 inches Tall

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