Amber Glass Beer Growler - 32oz - CASE OF 12

Amber Glass Beer Growler - 32oz - CASE OF 12


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  • Regular price $59.88 Sale price $36.00
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What to do when your customer wants great, fresh craft beer on tap but doesn't want to commit to a large volume? This 32 oz Glass Growler is the smaller alternative to the industry standard 64 oz growler. This will keep your craft beer fresh and worry free about unwanted flavor or chemical reactions. The glass beer growler is also great for any homebrewers who wish to transport their craft beer to a party. It’s made from a real, heavy-duty, amber-tinted glass that helps keep the light out to minimize UV interaction with your brew. This 32 ounce (2 pints, quarter gallon) Growler makes a great gift for the beer lover in your life and a perfect gift for any occasion. 

Capacity: 2 Pint 
Made of a heavy duty amber tint glass 
Dimension: 8.75" H x 4" Diameter
Case of 12

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