BarConic Hammered Stainless Steel Condiment Holder - 6 Pint - CASE OF 15

BarConic Hammered Stainless Steel Condiment Holder - 6 Pint - CASE OF 15


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  • Regular price $487.35 Sale price $350.33
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Looking for an economical yet classy way to set up your bar(s)? Try this quality hammered stainless steel condiment holder (a.k.a. fruit tray). These stainless steel condiment holders are perfect for storing all your cocktail garnishes. They're easy to clean with removable pint containers and feature a transparent lid. Condiment holders like these are a necessary part of any bartending operation. The smaller sizes are great for bars that don't have the room for the larger sized condiment holders. Note: This product has no bottom and does not accommodate the use of ice underneath the trays

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