Biggie Bar Mat - CASE OF 12

Biggie Bar Mat - CASE OF 12


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  • Regular price $65.40 Sale price $42.67
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Our Biggie™ Bar Mats are not only wider (3.5 inches), but are also longer (30 inches) than the standard bar mat (3.25 X 24) allowing plenty of room for those big multiple drink orders. Available in black, blue, green, or red. Biggie™ and standard sizes available. These mats are perfect to use on any bar or any beverage station. They feature rubber studs that provide drainage for spilled liquids and grips glasses to help prevent breakage.

Biggie™ Bar Mat: 3.5" Width x 30" Long
Standard Bar Mat: 3.25" Width X 24" Long
Material: Heavy duty rubber

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