3 way Napkin Caddy - CASE OF 24

3 way Napkin Caddy - CASE OF 24


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  • Regular price $90.00 Sale price $74.52
    Unit price per 
  • Save $15.48
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Put your napkins where they'll be used with these low cost 3 way napkin holders. Put them in reach of patrons and on your bar top so you always have napkins ready. These napkin caddies are made to accommodate all kinds of bar settings with its unique removable base (patent pending) that can be configured to fit in a corner as well as standard presentation. Measuring 5 x 5 inches, they are available in several colors including, black, red, blue, green, marble and chrome. Packed 24 per case so you'll have enough for every table in your bar or restaurant. High quality construction is easily cleaned. Fill with standard napkins, available in our Cleaning & Sanitation section.

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