BarConic Paper Straws - Metallic Silver - CASE OF 20 / 100 PACKS

BarConic Paper Straws - Metallic Silver - CASE OF 20 / 100 PACKS


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  • Regular price $200.00 Sale price $74.99
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  • Save $125.01
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These metallic silver paper straws are a stylish alternative to the everyday classic plastic straws. Paper straws are beginning to take over the beverage industry, as many venues are switching to these biodegradable options and for good reason! These food-safe straws look fantastic accenting any type of cocktail, whether it be on a craft or any other service level. Paper straws are not only good for you, but also for the environment! These straws measure 7.625" with a 0.25" diameter. Case includes 2000 straws (20 packs of 100 straws)

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