BarConic Tiki Drinkware - Yellow - 12 oz - CASE OF 36

BarConic Tiki Drinkware - Yellow - 12 oz - CASE OF 36


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This “Yellow” guy is the best way to say aloha at your next tropical gathering.“Yellow” is our mean looking tiki man grimacing while bearing his top row of pointy teeth on a fine sculptural ceramic mug. Another great piece from the extensive Barconic® Tiki Drinkware collection, it resembles its cousin “Tie” tiki mug and is a great buy from our newly released additions of our tiki collection. He stands about 6" tall and holds up to 12 ounces of delectable and intoxicating refreshment. Showcasing a full body with facial features he appears to be either squatting or of a very short legged nature. This delightful tiki mug is quite a great piece to serve frozen drinks at any outdoor party or other event. The yellow colored glaze and carved accents offer a smooth to the touch and glossy to the eye finish, making this tiki drinkware piece a great addition to any bartending ensemble.

Trendy and stylish ceramic tiki mug
Yellow glaze with facial features sporting a grin and pointy top teeth accents
A great addition to your master mixology drinkware collection
Ideal for tropical and frozen cocktails
Stands approximately 5.75 inches tall with a pear shaped body and 2.375" rim

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