BarConic 16 oz. White Rimmed Coconut Tiki Mug - CASE OF 24


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Hot days and cool nights are the perfect premise for a Tiki Party. Whether you are throwing a one-time event or have a regular Polynesian night at your bar or grill or you're a full time beach-front tiki lounge, you'll love our White Rimmed Coconut Mug, and so will your customers. Holding a full 16 ounces of liquid, serve umbrella-topped favorites like mai tais, bahama mamas or any other tropical delight in these fun tiki mugs. Built of ceramic and glazed with a food safe finish, these tiki glasses are intricately designed and a staple in any tropic party. Sold 24 per case at an exceptionally low cost. 

Mug Dimensions:
Height: 3.5 inches
Rim Diameter: 2.75 inches
Capacity: 16 ounces
Hand Wash Only

Material: Ceramic

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