Wood Barrel Tiki Mug - BarConic 12 oz. Rum Barrel Tiki Mug

BarConic 12 oz. Rum Barrel Tiki Mug - CASE 36


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  • Regular price $231.09 Sale price $217.99
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Hot sun. Cool Breeze. Rum. That's what we think of when we think of the tropics and the easy going lifestyle associated with Tiki. Raise a glass to the great island liquor, Rum! Each of these 12 ounce rum barrel ceramic mugs is modeled after the rum barrels of old. Glazed cream colors inside and deep brown outside, each rum barrel glass is ready for your tropical rum-based drinks. Case of 36 mugs is intricately designed to replicate the barrels used for hundreds of years to ferment cane rum. 

Product Information:
Height: 3.75 inches
Top Diameter: 3.5 inches
Base Diameter: 3.5 inches
Material: Ceramic
Hand Wash Only

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