BarConic Alpine Beverage Glass 14 oz - CASE OF 12

BarConic Alpine Beverage Glass 14 oz - CASE OF 12


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  • Regular price $24.72 Sale price $15.60
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This glass means business! A larger version of the popular Alpine™ family series, this 14 ounce beverage/tall glass is the perfect high quality, low costing alternative to Libbey's 15244 Gibraltar style glass. This 14 ounce Alpine™ glass is so similar to Libbey's version that you can literally blend and stack the 2 glasses together flawlessly. Constructed from a very durable glass material, it will be sure to withstand many common abuses behind the bar or in your restaurant. Use this glass to serve up your ice water in style or as a good twist on an ice cold beer. Sold by the case of 12.
*This glass measures 13.63oz / 403ml when filled to the RIM.

Glass Dimensions:
Height: 5 inches
Top Rim Diameter: 3.25 inches
Base Diameter: 2.5 inches

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