Chrome plated steel rod Pizza Tray Stand 9in W x 8in L x 7in H - CASE OF 24

Chrome plated steel rod Pizza Tray Stand 9in W x 8in L x 7in H - CASE OF 24


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  • Regular price $115.91 Sale price $81.57
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  • Save $34.34
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Pizza service is all about presentation. What better way to present a pizza to a packed table than elevating it on one of our chrome plated steel rod pizza trays. 9" wide x 8" long x 7" high, these make great center pieces in Italian restaurants and pizzerias where table space is at a premium. Stack shakers and napkins under it so everyone has plenty of room and can still get to the shakers. Holds all pizzas including large and extra large, even deep dish pizzas. Packed 24 units per case so you'll have enough for every table.

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