BarConic Round Ash Tray - 5.5" Black Standard - CASE OF 24

BarConic Round Ash Tray - 5.5" Black Standard - CASE OF 24


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  • Regular price $30.00 Sale price $23.76
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  • Save $6.24
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These 5.5" diameter Black Standard Ash Trays are the perfect way to keep cigarette butts and ashes off your floors and tables. They are available in cases of 24, and are priced economically so you can buy enough for every table and bartop in your establishment. These ash trays feature 7 cigarette notches, and 1 larger notch for holding cigars. Plus, the 5.5" diameter and 1" height allows the tray to hold more ashes then some smaller versions. Shiny black finish is easy to keep clean and are dishwasher safe.

*Ashtray Diameter:  5.5 inches, 1 inch height

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