Prizm Stirrers - CASE OF 20 / 500 PACKS

Prizm Stirrers - CASE OF 20 / 500 PACKS


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  • Regular price $208.00 Sale price $193.80
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  • Save $14.20
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Just like our Prizm cocktail picks, our Prizm stirrers are a wildly popular and low-cost way to jazz up any cocktail. Each stirrer is made of high-quality acrylic and is available in Red, Green, Clear, Blue, Black, and Assorted Colors. Stirrers are long enough to use in collins glasses, mixing/pub glasses, or even some of our specialty drinkware. Each case contains 20 inner boxes of 500 for a total of 10,000 7 1/4" Prizm stirrers. 

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