BarConic Stemmed Tulip Glass - 12 oz - CASE OF 24

BarConic Stemmed Tulip Glass - 12 oz - CASE OF 24


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The tulip glass is one of the most elegantly universal glasses spotted within in the industry. It's unique shape and design takes the presentation of not only craft beers, but also craft cocktails from ordinary to extraordinary. The Tulip glass is most commonly seen on the craft beer circuit, as it not only showcases a desirable presentation, but it also captures and traps large foamy heads. The Tulip glass is ideal for hoppy and malty brews while enhancing  the flavors and aromatics. The bulb like bowls allows you to swirl around your beer, releasing their full aromas. 

Measures: 7.25" tall x 2.25" rim diameter x 3" base diameter
Capacity: 12 ounces
Ideals for "craft" beers and cocktails
Tulip design captures large foamy heads
Bulb like bowls allows you to swirl around, release full flavor and aromas

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