BarConic Stainless Steel Muddler - Slim with Black Tenderizer Head - CASE OF 20

BarConic Stainless Steel Muddler - Slim with Black Tenderizer Head - CASE OF 20


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  • Regular price $199.80 Sale price $82.49
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The BarConic® Stainless Steel Muddler is the perfect high quality slim muddler for the professional bartender or elegant home bar. Muddle mint for mojitos or fruit for mixed drinks in style with this beautiful bar tool. The black tenderizer head allows you to release extraordinary flavor directly into your cocktail. The ridges of the tenderizer head are particularly useful for breaking down fruits but also helpful when making a traditional mojito. The stainless steel handle measures 8 inches high, meant to muddle in tall glasses. The weighted feel of this slim bar tool makes it an exceptional addition to any home or professional bar.

Pair The BarConic® Stainless Steel Muddler with our other high quality stainless steel bar tools and accessories for a complete bar set.

Beautiful stainless steel handle
Black tenderizer head
Perfect for muddling mint or citrus
8"H x 1"W

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