BarConic® Juice Decanter - PET - 50 oz - CASE OF 24

BarConic® Juice Decanter - PET - 50 oz - CASE OF 24


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  • Regular price $167.76 Sale price $90.96
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Juice decanters are a great way to store, serve and access your commonly used juices and mixers, especially if you are a bartender that specializes in concocting their own signature fruity flavors or prides themselves in freshly squeezed citrus. This 50 oz decanter features an extremely durable plastic PET material that will withstand common service related abuse. The lid securely fastens into place, providing a leak or drip free utility and a snap cover spout to ensure freshness and freedom from dust particles and fruit flies when not in use. Backed by the BarConic® brand name, this juice decanter is high quality items at economical prices.

  • 50 ounce Measures 11.5"H x 3" Rim Diameter x 3.75" Base Diameter
  • High quality, durable PET material
  • Ideal for freshly squeezed citrus juice and other mixers
  • Commonly used in craft bartending

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