BarConic Silicone Perfect Cube Ice Tray - CASE OF 12

BarConic Silicone Perfect Cube Ice Tray - CASE OF 12


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  • Regular price $95.88 Sale price $59.50
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A unique and sleek way to keep your favorite sodas, lemonades, fruit punches, sangrias, or mixed cocktails cold without becoming overly diluted with this Barconic® Perfect Silicone Ice Tray. This silicone ice maker is made from durable silicone and makes fifteen (15) 1.25" perfect ice cubes. You can also freeze herbs, flowers, candies, juices and a variety of other infusions to make the perfect ice cubes for a punch bowl adding flavor and cooling at the same time. Its uses are limited only by your imagination!

Also great for making flavor infusion
Dimension: 7 3/8" L x 4.5" W x 1.25" H
Made of durable silicone
Each ice tray creates 15 x 1.25" square ice cubes
Keep a large bowl in your freezer and make several ahead of time
Dishwasher Safe

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