BarConic 33 Gal. Space Saver Trash Can, Gray - CASE OF 4

BarConic 33 Gal. Space Saver Trash Can, Gray - CASE OF 4


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  • Regular price $99.00 Sale price $75.00
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Put your bar and restaurant waste to the curb with this 23 Gallon Space Saver Trash Can in Grey. Each can is tall, easy to slide in and out of storage and uses our standard 23 gallon bags. Heavy duty construction and reinforced top lip for years of service. Easily clean with soap and water. As 23 gallon bags aren't typically heavy when full (less than 100 pounds), these cans are easy to deal with for people up stairs or in other areas where moving a 40 or 50 gallon drum is difficult. 4 per case.

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