BarConic Plastic Fishbowl with Lid and Straw - Clear 20 ounce - CASE OF 100


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These 20 ounce BarConic® Clear Plastic Fishbowl Cups are a must have novelty piece for any party! Challenge your guests for their cocktails using these for a fishbowl ping pong game. A great and fun way to drink your cocktails! Just please don’t add real fish!

These fishbowl cups come with a lid and straw. They are made from a very durable thick plastic and will endure whatever drinking games you can come up with. Liven up any party with these fun cocktail cups!

20 ounce
Transparent Plastic Ware
Cup is approximately 4 in tall
Mouth width 3.25 inch
Straw 8.75in long

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