BarConic 14 oz. Brown Easter Islander Tiki Mug - CASE OF 24

BarConic 14 oz. Brown Easter Islander Tiki Mug - CASE OF 24


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  • Regular price $138.00 Sale price $136.22
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The heads of Easter Island are a mystery, but it is no mystery why your customers will love these mugs made in their image. Glazed deep brown with detailed design, each mug features the smiling face of an Easter Islander in the palm of your hand. Holds 14 ounces of your favorite tropical drink. Each case contains 24 of these mugs priced low and keeping profits high. Perfect for any eclectic gathering from tiki lounges to shore-side bars to poolside parties. 

Product Information:
Height: 6.25 inches
Top Diameter: 2 inches
Base Diameter: 2 inches
Capacity: 14 ounces
Material: Ceramic
Hand Wash Only

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